PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma is a portion of your own blood platelets. A sample of you blood is obtained via a venipuncture and it is spun down in a centrifuge to separate the plasma. The plasma contains a high concentration of platelets. Platelets are responsible for blood clotting and healing. When platelets are activated at a site a of injury, they release healing proteins called growth factors that are essential for wound healing attract cells to help regrow and repair tissue. PRP’s role in our body is in healing soft tissue injuries, fractures, wounds and creating healthy tissue.

When injecting PRP it gives your body a natural increase to expedite the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin helping to improve skin texture and tone, smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, minimize the appearance of pores, hyperpigmentation and scarring. Another benefit of PRP can include promoting hair growth in both male and female patients that are suffering from hair loss or thinning. PRP can either be either injected into the scalp to the areas of loss or thinning or microneedling can be done on the scalp while using the PRP to glide the device. The PRP will help to stimulate hair growth and improve the health of your hair. PRP has also shown great improvement to unresponsive orthopedic injuries. PRP injections will need to be performed in a series of 4 treatments every 6 weeks. PRP can continue to aid in further healing anywhere from 6-9 months after your final procedure. It is important for longevity of this treatment to perform periodic maintenance treatments every 6-12 months after you completed your series of treatments. Find out if this natural skin rejuvenation treatment is right for you!

what is a bio filter

What is BioFiller?

Biofiller is vastly becoming one of the most compelling developments in aesthetic rejuvenation. Biofiller is an innovative regenerative procedure that is used to improve the overall texture and tone of the area injected similar to synthetic fillers. Biofiller is newer procedure that utilizing a patient’s own blood from a venipuncture, similar to a routine laboratory blood draw. Obtaining blood via a venipuncture, similar to a standard blood draw for labs but is obtained to isolate a specific blood component. The blood is processed in a centrifuge to separate the blood to isolate the platelets in the tube. Platelets are the component of the blood that is in control of blood clotting and healing. Platelets become activated at a site of injury in the body, blood clotting and healing. When activated at a site of injury in the body, platelets release healing proteins called growth factors and attract cells that contribute to regrowth. 

Biofiller is also called Plasma Gel, this natural method that can rejuvenate the skin in the treatment areas such as the face, neck and hands. Since this gel is derived from your own blood this can vastly help to decrease the risks and side effects. This is an excellent option for clients that have severe allergies, patients that may not be a candidate for conventional synthetic fillers, for vegans or for those clients that want a more natural and gradual approach to facial rejuvenation.

This aesthetic procedure utilizes a patient’s own blood. Blood is obtained via venipuncture into a collection tube, similar to a regular laboratory blood draw. The tube is then placed in a centrifuge to isolate the platelets, which is known as platelet rich plasma (PRP). A gel is created from the PRP through a process of first heating the PRP to help stabilize the plasma and cooling process yields a thicker gel like form of the PRP similar to the consistency of hyaluronic acid fillers. Plasma Gel has the same color to natural fat and the consistency of the gel can be made thicker or thinner depending on the timing of the heating and cooling process. Once the gel is made to our provider’s consistency of choice it is then injected into the skin in the same manner as dermal fillers. Biofiller can add volume to areas while helping smooth out the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and folds. The major benefit of this treatment is that it stimulates stem cells and growth factors in the body to produce collagen, giving the treated area a tighter, brighter and more youthful appearance. 

Biofiller is an appropriate procedure for both men and women. You can notice a visible improvement following treatment but to see the effects of collagen production it may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks with a series of treatments. It can take approximately 3-4 treatments every 6-8 weeks apart to complete full transformation to a treatment area with the Plasma Gel procedure. Results of Biofiller are natural and last anywhere from 6-10 months. Our practitioner will consider if this treatment is the right treatment for you. It is important to schedule a comprehensive consultation to help create a customized tailored plan for your aesthetic goals.

what is a bio filter

Age Defy Aesthetics

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